Get Acquainted with Us

In the heart of Zanzibar Island, nestled between the coastal villages of Jambiani and Uzi, lies a fishing community whose existence is deeply intertwined with the Indian Ocean. For generations, these seafarers have depended on fishing as their primary livelihood. Their expertise is a legacy passed down from father to son, and each sunrise witnesses them venturing out to sea to practice time-honored fishing techniques.

Our association, Msimba, plays a pivotal role in safeguarding this tradition. We have not only provided financial support for the construction of boat shelters, offering vital protection against the elements but have also assisted in the restoration of these cherished vessels. Owing to this aid, the fishermen can now keep their boats in prime condition.

When you visit this region, you will encounter a thriving fishing culture and a profound reverence for the ocean, made possible by the dedication of our association, ensuring its sustainability for future generations.


Zanzibar Island is located off the Tanzanian coast.

A delicate little paradise with limited resources that our association helps to preserve.


Jambiani, a small fishing village located on the East coast of the main island of Unguja, is the heart of our association.

In 2021, we renovated an old house there so that the fishermen could have a communal storage space.


The traditional boats used by the fishermen, also called Ngalawa, are primarily made of wood.

This wood, sourced from the surrounding forests (on Uzi Island), is overexploited, thus jeopardizing the activities and livelihood of the community.


By supporting the Jambiani fishing community, you are giving them the opportunity to sustain their activity.

But you are also contributing to the health of the local economy and to passing on their valuable shipbuilding expertise to future generations.


Contribute to the preservation of our traditions

Provide financial support to our association by making a donation of the amount of your choice below. In doing so, contribute to the preservation of boat construction and maintenance traditions in an environmentally friendly manner.